Game Of The Year Awards 2010

Over the last month we’ve spent a lot of time catching up on titles we missed, taking notes, and debating the virtues of our favorite titles.

It all culminates in our annual list of worthy titles.

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Game Review – Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

Jumping, wall running, jumping some more, hanging off cliffs, swinging, dodging swinging axes, rolling under spinning blades, and scaling walls of various surface types, yes this is a Prince of Persia game. I have been told that this game follows the new movie but as I have yet to see the movie I cannot confirm this wild rumor. If its true then I don’t need to see the movie now and will never know for sure. (My daughter says “no the game is cooler than the movie” but I think she is just trying to get me to watch the movie to compare for myself.)

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Thursday Throwback From RockBandAide

goldstarRBN_biggerWe got our dirty little claws in doing a video for RockBandAide and all we had to do is play Rock Band, yeah very surprising since we generally don’t go a day without playing at the B.O.M.B. shelter. But still being able to help them out why we have fun works for everyone. This is going to be a weekly story from RockBanAide so keep your eyes open for more, and go check this out and watch the awesome players in the video.

Thursday Throwback DLC: Kiss – Calling Dr. Love

E3 Video: Just Dance 2 Trailer

The first one kinda scared me, but apparently people like the game cause Just Dance 2 is coming soon. Check out the trailer here!

E3 Video: GoldenEye 007 Trailer

Another awesome reason to have a Wii. Check out the trailer for the updated classic GoldenEye 007!

E3 Video: Kirby's Epic Yarn Trailer

RVL_KirbysEY_logo_E3Kirby’s back for another adventure! Check out the the trailer for Kirby’s Epic Yarn on Wii.

E3 Video: Donkey Kong Country Returns Trailer

Donkey Kong makes his way onto the Wii with old school style gameplay. Check out the trailer for Donkey Kong Country Returns!

E3 Video: Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword

Check out the trailer for the next Zelda game!

Product Review: Hyperkin Wii Sound Plus


Since the launch of the Wii, there have been many assorted sports peripherals released to enhance your experience when playing.

I always wondered if these really enhanced the title, or if they were merely a gimmick and just further cluttering up my gaming area with more plastic or foam items that I would most likely never use.

When I received the Wii Sound Plus kit for review, I was pleasantly surprised that they were not overly large and could easily be disassembled at the handle to make storing them easier.  A common problem that I see with most peripherals of this type is that they are either too flimsy or too rigid and it will either break. Or you end up with someone getting injured.

The Wii Sound Plus peripherals were just the right balance of soft and durable. I even allowed for my girlfriend to smack me around a bit with one, not only did it not break but it didn’t leave a mark or hurt.

This is definitely a bonus when you have a five year old and two year old running around.

The feature that separates the Wii Sound Plus from other peripherals is the “Built-in Sound Device”. This feature is designed so that when you swing the tennis racket or baseball bat, a device inside it slides and you hear the sound of hitting something as well as a little bit of feeling that something is being hit.

Overall, a very simple design but works quite well and adds a bit more immersion to a game. If you have a motion plus sensor attached to your controller, there is no need to remove it as it will fit into either of the kits.


There is only one item to keep in mind and is not a design flaw or problem. If you happen to have your sensor bar placement above your TV, you will need to move it’s placement to the bottom as the racket or bat will obstruct the beam when trying to navigate menus.

Not a huge deal as most people have their bar placement already at the bottom.

If you’re in the market to pick up a Sport accessory pack for your Wii, at a MSRP of $19.99 I would recommend checking these out.

Buy Wii Tennis Kit with Sound Plus – White, Pink, Blue
Buy Wii Baseball Kit with Sound Plus – White, Pink and Blue

Josh's Games In Review: 2009

I played a TON of good games, some bad games, and some games that can only be categorized by my use of “Awesomeness!”

This list of games, where they fit in, and what I think of them are just that! The words that follow do not reflect the opinions of any other member of the B.O.M.B. Crew.

So where to start?


The BAD!

  • Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3)
  • Demon’s Souls (PS3)
  • Fight Night Round 4 (PS3)
  • G-Force (PS3)
  • The Godfather (PS3)
  • Wanted (PS3)

Batman: Arkham Asylum

This game had great looking graphics and an ok control setup, but when you have to be in wire frame mode 90% of the game, that kills the graphics and personally I couldn’t ever figure out what to do next. So when I sit around for hours trying to figure it out I get frustrated and don’t wanna play.

Demon’s Souls

This one also had great graphics, but in the matter of a game moving at a good speed it was a glacier.  Massive loading, and not having a clue where to go unless you are online and you can see what others have done mean I was very frustrated with this game fast.

Fight Night Round 4

In short I hate fighting games… That is all.


My problem will start sounding like a broken record, when the game doesn’t tell me what to do next I get frustrated.

The Godfather

In this one my problem was actually different. You are the Don, Why am I out killing people when I should be sitting in my room collecting a check.


Bad graphics, bad controls, bad game from a movie. Curving bullets was cool.


  • .detuned (PSN)
  • Battlefield 1943 (PSN)
  • Brutal Legend (PS3)
  • Critter Crunch (PSN)
  • Fairytale Fights (PS3)
  • Fat Princess (PSN)
  • Ghostbusters: the Video Game (PS3)
  • inFamous (PS3)
  • Jurassic: The Hunted (PS3)
  • Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 (PS3)
  • Ninja Gaiden 2 (PS3)
  • Overlord II (PS3)
  • X-Men Origins: Wolverine (PS3)
  • Dead Space: Extraction (Wii)
  • Halo Wars (360)


This little PSN title was odd but fun, and i really dig the music.


This sandbox style game I really enjoyed, and I really liked that there was something to do in the world after you beat the game.

Battlefield 1943

This PSN title hit is good for a “jump in for a little bit” type game. I really didn’t like playing for a long time but still a great game.

Brutal Legend

I really enjoyed this one and would like to actually own it so I can get more play time on it.

Critter Crunch

I had no idea what this game was until I was at the B.O.M.B. Shelter and saw it on Matt’s PS3. At that point in time, I had to own it.

Fairytale Fights

This one was a ‘can’t wait for’ since we saw some stuff at E3 and PAX. Not as good as we hoped, but worth a play through.

Fat Princess

Running around spilling the blood of cartoons everywhere while finding cake to feed to your princess to make her fat so that it takes more people to kidnap her = WIN!

Ghostbusters: the Video Game

Everything about this game was done by the original crew. How can you go wrong?


This one wasn’t as good as [PROTOTYPE], but I was happy to see a sandbox exclusive on the PS3 finally. Was worth a play through.

Jurassic: The Hunted

This was overshadowed by Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, but I really enjoyed it once.

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2

Great game, but bad timing. It was launched at the same time as some big name games that put it in the background. I need to pull it out and play some more.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2

This sequel to the hard core make-you-wanna-never-play-a-Ninja-Gaiden-ever-again wasn’t as hard as the first one. Graphically it was up to par to what you would expect from a Ninja Gaiden game.

Overlord II

The Overlord was a great game that is sadly unknown sadly. If you are reading this, I think you should at least go rent it.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

If we had a “best game from movie” award I think this game should have got it. In fact I think that the game was better than the movie.

Dead Space: Extraction

Rails shooter that is from the Dead Space world, and totally played to the weaknesses of the Wii. If you don’t know what I mean you need to listen to Drunken Monkey Tech.

Halo Wars

The Halo world has always held me to the story that they have going. Halo Wars added a little to the story but not much.


  • Assassin’s Creed II (PS3)
  • Borderlands (PS3)
  • Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3)
  • DJ Hero (PS3)
  • Flower (PSN)
  • Halo 3: ODST (360)
  • Katamari Forever (PS3)
  • LEGO Rock Band (PS3)
  • Need For Speed: Shift (PS3)
  • Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack In Time (PS3)
  • The Beatles Rock Band (PS3)
  • Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3)

Assassin’s Creed II

This game was late in the year and was in contention for Game Of The Year. If you played the first game you need to pick this one up, it is much better than the last game.


GAME OF THE YEAR from us here at B.O.M.B. and that says it all!

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

In Modern Warfare 2 there was a “there is a bad level” and was all over the news. Activition is the most hated publisher in my eyes and they could have done the level a different way to get the story across. Still the game was amazing.

DJ Hero

All of us at B.O.M.B. love our rhythm games and this one is no exception. Great single player game, but not for party / big group situations.


Best PSN title that was launched this year and if you have a PS3 you should have this game.

Halo 3: ODST

Easily the best game on 360 this year. The music and voice acting alone are the best I have ever heard. If you like Firefly, Serenity, or Halo you need to check this game out.

Katamari Forever

This game is one part remake, and three parts all new. A great mix of the remake and new stuff. But this game plays to a small crowd.

LEGO Rock Band

Yet another rhythm game. Not the best out of them but still great. Since I love LEGOs and rock band this game was for me.

Need For Speed: Shift

Best racing game of the year. You can play as much arcade or as much sim as you want. Lighting and graphics are amazing.

Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack In Time

Insomniac games know what they are doing and they struck yet again with this one. Awesome platform game!

The Beatles Rock Band

If you don’t like this game, you are not human. Harmonix did an amazing job at taking you through the life of the Beatles in this game.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

In the land of Nathan Drake this game tops the last one. The voice acting is spot on and very believable. If they do an Uncharted movie, Nathan Fillion needs to play Drake.



CES was a very impromptu move in 2009 and I had no clue what I was going to see. I did come away with a good experience and will be heading back to Vegas in 2010 for CES again, this time I know what i am looking for.


E3 was a blast. I had been before but just as another geek in the crowd. This year I got to go as press and got to get some great hands on with games that came out this holiday season. It was not all good though, James Cameron needs to learn that he is at a “Gaming Convention” and stop talking about his movie. And WB needs to get a new PR department. But being down in LA with the B.O.M.B. crew was awesome and I really can’t wait till E3 2010 hits.


PAX was a different world. It is more have fun than work. Hanging out with Lucas Arts and Harmonix was fun and now that I know what I am getting into, I will have more fun next time.

There you go, my take on the past year of gaming. Apparently it wasn’t to bad, there were some games I missed and I will hit them up, but if I missed them one of the other B.O.M.B. Crew will have played it and will say something about it. I am really looking forward to the next year worth of gaming and will tell you all about it in the same style again next year.