Game Of The Year Awards 2010

Over the last month we’ve spent a lot of time catching up on titles we missed, taking notes, and debating the virtues of our favorite titles.

It all culminates in our annual list of worthy titles.

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PS Store Update 4-16-09: Magic Ball DLC


With little-to-nothing releasing this week at retail, it looks like Sony is pulling out all the stops with patches, downloadable titles, and add-ons.

Magic Ball gets some DLC love tomorrow with a witch-themed pack, adding an entire world (25 new levels) and a few new Trophies (we’ll update the Trophy List as soon as we can confirm what they are).

Simultaneously, MB will be getting a free patch to add custom soundtracks to the game.

Unfortunately, pricing for the add-on is currently unavailable. We’ll update as soon as we find out how many ducketts you’ll need to shell out.

Magic Ball is a favorite around the B.O.M.B. encampment, and you can rest assured we’ll be snagging (and reviewing) this update as soon as we can get our grubby little broadband connections on it.

Red Baron Not Dead! PSN Exclusive Hits… Today!


A while back Sony let slip that a current-gen remake of the classic World War I air combat game ‘Red Baron’ was in development.

Brian and I are big flight sim fans, preferrably in a prop-driven plane, and we were stoked.

Then it fell off the radar (no pun intended) and rumor was Red Baron had been cancelled.

Looks like you shouldn’t listen everything you hear on the interwebs; Red Baron will be available today after Sony’s weekly store update.

No word on pricing, but the game will include several different single player modes, and 3 different styles of online multiplayer.

I’m SO there.

In Case You Missed It: Bejeweled 2


Popcap owes me. They owe me BIG.

They are single-handedly responsible for countless lost hours of productivity, sleepless nights, and eye strain.

Hi, my name is Matt, and I am a Bejeweled addict. (Hi Matt!)

Just when I thought I had kicked the habit, Bejeweled 2 was released on Playstation 3. Since we’ve never covered Bejeweled, I thought it was an opportune time to give it some real estate on the site.

Was I strong? Was I able to walk away? Is this too many question marks for one line of text?

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Game Review: Soldner-X (Playstation Store)

Sony has a number of games to offer through their Playstation Store; some of them are great, while others we sit and wonder at. How does Soldner-X stack up? Check out the other side to find out.

soldnerxlogo Continue reading

Game Review: GTI Club+ (PS3)


The summer of 1996 holds many of my fondest memories.

Example? Spending all my money, and most of a weekend at a local pizza parlor/arcade playing GTI Club.

Now that oversized cabinet has been condensed into a downloadable title for Playstation 3.

Am I still obsessed, or does time tarnish all?

Catch the review inside.

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GTI Club+ Comes To PSN (Yes, Today)


The news is coming in at breakneck speed (ouch… unintentional bad pun), more news about the impending PSN update. At this rate, I am going to be SO broke by the end of the day.

GTI Club+ is a retooling of one of my old school favorite arcade racers, the 1996 game GTI Club (gotta love the imaginative naming convention).

Catch the full press release inside.

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Game Review: Super Stardust Portable (PSP)


What is arguably the best two-stick shooter on the Playstation 3 has finally dropped on the Playstation Portable.

Can a game built for HD and two analog sticks make the transition to the small screen on a system with a single analog nub?

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The Essential Playstation Store (PS3)

I remember when I first signed in to the PSN; the only game available for download was Blast Factor. It was an okay game, but hardly a ‘must have’ on your hard drive.

Times have changed, and there’s an amazing amount of great content available for download.

Here’s our list of the five titles you MUST have.

Full story on the inside.

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